How to setup AWS Free tier account
Hello People. This article discusses how to setup AWS Free tier account. You can create a AWS free tier account from AWS console. One can choose a name for their account. You can change this name in your account settings also after you sign up. AWS offers several free tier options as below.
12-Months Free
These free tier offers are only available to new AWS customers. It is available for 12 months from AWS sign-up date. When the 12 month free usage term expires or if customer's application use exceeds the tiers, the customer has to pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates.
Always Free
These free tier offers do not automatically expire at the end of customer's 12 month AWS Free Tier term. This feature is available to both existing and new AWS customers indefinitely.
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Ok. Let's get back to the article.
These free tier offers are short term trial offers that start from the time when first usage begins. Once the trial period expires customers have to pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates.

Some more info
The AWS Free Tier is available to all types of customers like students, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and Fortune all companies to sign up. However for an organization, only one account within the organization can benefit from the Free Tier offers. To calculate the Organization’s use of AWS Services under any Offers, AWS will aggregate the usage across all accounts in the Organization. Customers will be charged standard rates for use of AWS Services if AWS determines that those customers are not eligible for the Free Tier or have exceeded the limits for a particular service.
AWS offering provides new AWS customers with free usage tiers for certain AWS services. If you have a new idea that you are interested to launch or if you have an existing application you want to run in the cloud, AWS is a great way to get started for free. Some ideas include, but are not limited to, hosting low traffic websites or blogs, social media applications, development and test projects, proof of concepts, and more.
Hope this article on how to setup AWS Free tier account is useful to you. Please read about AWS IoT actions and core related services.