Role of Semiconductors in Electric Vehicle Industry
Hello People. This article is about the role of Semiconductors in Electric Vehicle Industry. There are hundreds of electronic control units (ECUs) in electric vehicles controlling everything from the brakes and headlights to the latest gadgets such as parking cameras and radar. None of those controls would be possible without semiconductors, the tiny chips that make electronics work.
By choosing to drive an EV you are helping to reduce harmful air pollution from exhaust emissions. An EV has zero exhaust emissions. Better for the environment. If you use renewable energy to recharge your EV, you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions even further. You could recharge your EV from your solar PV system during the day instead of from the grid. Another idea is to purchase Green Power from your electricity retailer. Then, even if you recharge your EV from the grid, your greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.
Coming to semiconductors, innovations in the automobile industry actually come from the electronics and the chips are the soul of the electronics. Next-generation chips could help solve some of the most pressing issues facing the EV industry, such as range and charge time, by making batteries more efficient.

Innovations made in the semiconductor industry present the possibility for longer EV battery life. Semiconductors are needed for touch-screen interactivity features. Moreover, semiconductors are extremely important for an EV’s batteries and power trains. They’re also the key components of the firmware that’s found in almost all modern vehicles.
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Ok. Let's get back to the article.
Sophisticated electric cars require more semiconductors. For this reason, the amount of semiconductor parts that are present inside a modern EV is increasing at a rapid pace to activate standard automobile functions, including backup cameras and blind-spot detectors.
Semiconductor technology can inhibit the danger of explosions and fires in lithium-ion (Li-ion) electric vehicle batteries. Wide-bandgap semiconductors, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), provide a performance edge over silicon in several respects: higher efficiency and switching frequency, along with the ability to withstand higher operating temperatures and voltages.
The U.S. automaker Tesla became the first company to use silicon carbide chips in a mass-produced car, incorporating them into some of its Model 3s. This move gave the power-saving material a boost of momentum in the EV supply chain, with ramifications for the chip industry.
Silicon carbide contains silicon and carbon. With chemical bonds stronger than those in silicon, it is the world's third-hardest substance. Processing it requires advanced technology, but the material's stability and other properties let chipmakers cut energy loss by more than half compared with standard silicon wafers.
SiC chips also dissipate heat well, allowing for smaller inverters. This is a crucial EV component that regulates the flow of power to the motor. With the growing adoption of electric mobility, semiconductors are going to become more crucial.
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