Smartwatch apps to check your electric vehicle battery status

Hello People. This article discusses about Smartwatch apps to check your electric vehicle battery status. Electric vehicles are the future and charging EVs has become a critical industry need. Drivers of Ford electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles can now access their battery charge status, unlock their doors and get a driving score from their last trip with the MyFord Mobile application for smartwatches.

Smartwatch apps to check your electric vehicle battery status 

Vehicle smartphone apps are an easy way for drivers to stay connected to their cars. As more people start using smartwatches strapped to their wrists, connecting and communicating with their car with them seems like the next evolution for the auto industry. "The smart watch app developed by Ford gives drivers the ability to quickly check important data like available range before leaving on a journey  without having to access the mobile application on their smartphone", said David Hatton, Ford manager, Connected Vehicles and Services. “The app can also notify users when their car is fully charged, helping a driver be courteous to other electric vehicle owners so they can free up the charging spot or avoid fees applied at some charging stations when you overrun your time after the charge is complete.”

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Ok. Let's get back to the article.

The use of smartwatches has grown steadily over the past five years, boosted by the April 2015 release of the Apple Watch. Advances in technology are making the watches more appealing for consumers as a way to always stay connected in their digital world and to their cars.

Some of the Smartwatch app features include checking Range and charge status for battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, has capability to initiate preconditioning of vehicle cabin remote,  capability to lock and unlock the car, vehicle mileage summary, last trip summary includes personal driving score, percentage of electric vehicle miles, vehicle location provides walking or driving directions back to your parked car.

Good news to smart watch lovers is that south Korean automaker Hyundai announced a smartwatch app as part of its cloud-based Blue Link platform, allowing features such as remote start and service information to be quickly accessed through smartwatches. Hyundai drivers can execute commands such as "Start my car," "Lock my car" or "Find my car" right from their smartwatch.

With BMW's new prototype app, drivers no longer need to pull out their phone to check how far they can drive their i3. By tapping on the smart watch touchscreen, drivers can check if the windows are closed, if the doors are locked, and more. Mercedes is using the watch's silent vibrating alert capability to notify the driver about upcoming traffic or road hazards. Given the small size of the watch screen, this may actually be the biggest advantage of a smartwatch over a smartphone.

Hope this article on Smartwatch apps to check your electric vehicle battery status is useful to you. To read about jobs in the Electric Vehicle Industry, please visit Job opportunities in Electric Vehicle Sector and its Charging Infrastructure industry