How is Mongoose OS useful in Internet of Things (IOT)

Hello People. This article discusses how is Mongoose OS useful in Internet of Things (IOT). Mongoose OS is actually an user space. It is a Firmware Development Framework for the IOT. It supports microcontrollers such as ESP32, ESP8266 to provide a browser based local computer environment for prototyping, development and managing IoT devices.

Cesanta Software Ltd developed Mongoose OS. It is an open source version with Apache License. Mongoose OS is recognized by Texas Instruments, Espressif Systems, Google IoT Core, AWS IoT, IBM Watson IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT to name a few. Some of these cloud IoT service providers has “starter kit”.

How is Mongoose OS useful in Internet of Things (IOT)

Mongoose OS is probably good for the targated audience especially Javascript developers. It is one of the known embedded web servers currently available. It can setup WebSocket Chat, RESTful Server Big Upload, MQTT Broker and Client, Captive DNS Server and so on.

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Ok. Let's get back to the article.

You can install Mongoose OS easily. Usually that part involves downloading an executable and clicking it.  “mos tool” is Web Browser based, runs as local server at, also has a cloud server dashboard at

Why to use Mongoose OS when we already have Arduino IDE. That has not much answer. It seems they handle OTA, temperature sensors and targated who are comfortable with Javascript. The founder’s interviews make the target clear :

“Mongoose OS was born from our commercial integration experience. We specialise in building firmware for commercial products, and we found out that firmware development, generally speaking, consists of 10% of product-specific functionality, and 90% of generic infrastructure functionality. That generic functionality includes product configuration, remote management, OTA firmware updates, cloud backend integration, security/encryption, etc.”

“Mongoose OS’s primary target are professional firmware developers and companies bringing connected products to the market. That said, Mongoose OS is quite appealing for the maker community, because it has JavaScript engine for rapid prototyping, hassle-free build toolchain, libraries and example apps that can be reused, and more. We believe that Mongoose OS is even easier to start with than Arduino IDE, because of the JavaScript.”

Hope this article on How is Mongoose OS useful in Internet of Things (IOT) is useful to you. Please read about AWS IoT actions and core related services.